Thursday, May 31, 2018



RGB 169 230 117
CMYK 29 0 45 0

❝More smiling, less worrying. More compassion, less judgment. More blessed, less stressed. More love, less hate.❞

Roy t. Bennett
The light in the heart

5/31/18. Today was sort of a good day. I felt much better than two days ago. Nothing much occurred today too. It was just like one of those "normal" days. I got my yearbook today from school. My birthday is in 10 days!

Wednesday, May 30, 2018



RGB 199 226 153
CMYK 22 0 46 0

❝Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.❞

Mother Theresa

5/30/18. Today was much better than yesterday. I think I was having a mood swing, so that's what happened. Nothing much happened either. Everything seemed back to normal. I accidentally slept really late yesterday too. I think part of why today was a bit better was because I got to play my instrument in the morning. (I also got into the highest level band for next year, but I'm not doing it next year, lol.)

Tuesday, May 29, 2018



RGB 220 68 5
CMYK 0 79 100 0

❝Forget yesterday - it has already forgotten you. Don't sweat tomorrow - you haven't even met. Instead, open your eyes and your heart to a truly precious gift - today.❞

Steve maraboli
Life, The truth, and being free

5/29/18. By far the worst day of 2018. I had a hard time falling asleep last night, making me to feel super anxious. My thoughts raced in my mind and I couldn't make myself feel relaxed. Then again, I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning and then I felt out of place the whole morning. I felt my eyes fill up with tears as soon as I stepped afoot at school. I had no feeling, but an emptiness and hollowness inside me. Then during break, I completely lost it and started to cry in front of my "friends". Then I realized that none of the people that I sit with noticed that I was crying. I felt like nobody cared about me, and felt even more anxious and invisible. Then it was advisement, and sat next to my usual group of friends. It literally took my friend for more than half the class to notice that I was clearly crying. I thought I did everything to care for her when she was once having a bad day. Then I realized that she doesn't care about me. What did I ever do to her? I felt like I meant nothing even though I tried every way possible to make her feel better when she was feeling upset. Then it was time for my english class. I felt like every inch of my body was about to throw up at the thought of performing in front of the entire class. I told my teacher, then she sent me to the counselor. I went then spilled out everything that was gnawing at my thoughts this entire time (I mean by everything since I moved here). I was bawling my eyes out. Even my own words surprised me because I was so used to not opening up to anybody because no person would ever care when I needed help. Then lunch came and I felt so alone. Yesterday, my group of friends went out to hang out without inviting me. Technically, they made a group chat saying that they wanted to hang out sometime, but they went by themselves without telling me the location or time. I felt like I wasn't even a part of them anymore. Why would they forget that I was their friend? Then I went to my math class and took the end of the year test. I went to cross country practice and didn't do anything because I didn't feel like running. Anyways, I hope tomorrow is a much better day than today.

Monday, May 28, 2018



RGB 194 228 219

❝Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.❞

Dalai Lama XIV

5/28/18. Memorial Day. Today was a good day. I was feeling a bit lazy in the morning, but I at least read a lot of Outliers. I was feeling a bit more productive after I did a deep cleaning of my room. Later, I practiced my instrument for the first time ever, literally. I don't feel like going to school tomorrow because I need to act out one of the scenes from Much Ado About Nothing by Shakespeare. Even worse, I need to do it alone. Speaking and performing in front of all my classmates are one of my biggest fears. It makes feel like I'm dying slowly inside because I feel so many eyes burning on me. Anyways, I hope I do well on it because it'll be my last summative assignment to raise my grade. May tomorrow be another good day.

Sunday, May 27, 2018



RGB 181 227 216
CMYK 20 0 14 0

❝Hard work is a prison sentence only if it does not have meaning.❞

Malcolm gladwell

5/27/18. Today was a good day. I woke up late again, and read more than usual. Near the evening, my friend and I went to a book store and read there for an hour or so. May tomorrow be a more productive day.

Saturday, May 26, 2018



RGB 175 234 220

❝Those who know do not speak. Those who speak do not know.❞

Lao tzu
tao teh ching

5/26/18. Today was a good day. I fell asleep really late yesterday, and woke up feeling lazy. But in the afternoon, I went out for a run with a few of my friends. It was good to go outside and do something more productive that what I usually do during the weekend. I think we only went for 2 miles but it was still pleasant to socialize. We talked about our future and our plans for sports next year. I hope we all do well during the season. May tomorrow be another good day.

Friday, May 25, 2018



RGB 195 241 207
CMYK 24 0 24 0

❝When life gives you lemons, squirt someone in the eye.❞

cathy guisewite

5/25/18. Today was a good day. Today was a minimum day, and I left school early. My coach and team had a meeting at a classroom discussing varsity teams for cross country next year. Again, I hope I run a lot faster after summer break practices. After that, I went home and took a long nap before I watched Stranger Things with my sister. We finished three episodes. May tomorrow be another good day.

Thursday, May 24, 2018



RGB 140 226 208
CMYK 33 0 18 0

❝Logic will get you from A to Z; imagination will get you everywhere.❞

Albert Einstein

5/24/18. Today was a great day. I think and hope I did well on my English essay. I also got a good grade on the video that I made all in one night. My grades improved a lot, and I hope I get all A's this semester. I also ran about 5 miles with my team. It was the perfect temperature to run today too; it was cloudy (not too sunny), and a bit chill. I hope I run a lot faster than last year. May tomorrow be another great day.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018



RGB 180 225 214
CMYK 26 0 18 0

❝It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all - in which case, you fail by default.❞

J.K Rowling

5/23/18. Today was another good day. It was still gloomy and chilly. The morning started off pretty well. My band played outside while it was still cold. I ate pizza with my friends for a club then took a science quiz after that. Luckily, the quiz is not going to be graded. Damn it. I have a summative English in-class essay. I hope I do well on that, since my grade for that class is on a border line for an A. I hope I do well on all of my classes, and tomorrow to be another good day.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018



RGB 210 237 220
CMYK Values n/a

❝Everything you can imagine is real.❞

Pablo picasso

5/22/18. Today was quite a good day. It was still gloomy and chilly. The morning started off a bit bad, but the day got better with my friends. I procrastinated a lot yesterday night, which I promised myself not to do... Today I will promise that I won't do that again. Anyways, I ran more than 5 miles with my team. It was a great run, and I hope I do well for the upcoming season. I want to be a faster and stronger runner and I hope to get a new personal record. I hope tomorrow is another good day.

Monday, May 21, 2018



RGB 210 232 224
CMYK Values n/a

❝I want a person who comes into my life by accident, and stays on purpose.❞


5/21/18. Today was quite a good day. It was raining and gloomy all day but it didn't affect my mood whatsoever. I wish I ran more but at the same time it feels good to just relax. All my grades are slowly improving but I hope I do the best in English. I promise myself not to procrastinate this night because I have a lot of homework that I've been putting aside since the past week. I hope tomorrow is another good day.

Sunday, May 20, 2018



RGB 221 211 227
CMYK 10 16 0 0

❝It is never too late to be what you might have been.❞

GEorge Eliot

5/20/18. Today was an okay day. Not much occurred too. School starts tomorrow and I don't want to go anymore. I was lazy all day long, and I feel guilty but relaxed at the same time. I was really angry in the morning for some reason but I'm fine now. I hope I am more productive tomorrow and the rest of the week.

Saturday, May 19, 2018



RGB 194 195 221
CMYK 21 15 0 0

❝All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt.❞

Charles M. Schulz

5/19/18. Today was an okay day. Not much occurred too. I woke up super late because I stayed up yesterday night for a project, and felt lazy but happy at the same time. I hope to be more productive tomorrow and study for my last few final projects.

Friday, May 18, 2018



RGB 185 239 163

❝I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.❞

THe salmon of doubt

5/18/18. Today was also an okay day. Not much occurred too. I was really busy because some of my final projects were due today. I had a history test that I stayed up late yesterday for studying, and eventually did well on it. I also had to stay up today because I had another final project.

Thursday, May 17, 2018



RGB 210 215 85
CMYK 21 0 89 0

❝ To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.❞

Ralph Waldo Emerson

5/17/18. Today was also an okay day. Not much occurred too. The morning started off a bit "off", and I didn't feel good either during lunch. Even though I had my friends around me, I still felt lonely. It's not that I don't have friends, or what not, but only sometimes I feel like an outsider. I went to a dinner and my  coach made a speech there. I had pizza and some chips there too, and it was overall really fun being with my team.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018



RGB 220 212 148
CMYK values n/a

❝ Above all, don't lie to yourself. The man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to a point that he cannot distinguish the truth within him, or around him, and so loses all respect for himself and for others. And having no respect he ceases to love.❞

Fyodor Dostoyevsky
THe Brothers Karamazov

5/16/18. Today was also an okay day. Yesterday night was a mess. I was procrastinating and didn't feel productive at all. I know it's almost the end of my freshman year, but I was so distracted. It was the worst feeling. I knew inside that I had a lot of homework to complete, but my outer body was acting really lazy. It felt like I was trapped inside my own body. I couldn't control my procrastination and it felt terrible afterwards because I slept late again too. I wish I can learn how to manage my time more, and keep to that lifestyle.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018



RGB 190 202 234
CMYK 26 9 0 0

❝ It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.❞

j.k ROwling
Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets

5/15/18. Today was also an okay day. Not much occurred. I ran 5.5 miles, and it felt good to run again since track & field. It's almost the end of my freshman year of high school, and I have so many essays & tests & exams to make up for my goal of having straight A's this semester. I shouldn't really procrastinate this week, or the next, so I'm trying to limit my time by substituting my "wasted" time on social media for this blog or reading. The reason I chose that quote above is because it takes me back to the time when I was panicking whether to choose a different elective instead of music. I've been playing that instrument for about 4~5 years, and that made me reluctant to quit. But I learned how to move on, and pursue something that I was more passionate about.

Monday, May 14, 2018



RGB 250 222 133

❝ Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened. ❞

Dr. Seuss

5/14/18. Today was an okay day for me. All my classes were good so far, except history. I got my essay back, and didn't do so well. The funny this is that, these days, I usually don't get upset about my grades. I came to realize that maybe a letter grade doesn't define who I am as a person, and that an essay that I wrote in my freshman year of high school wouldn't matter in the next, let's say, five years. It's really ironic for me to say this because I do really care about what grades I get. But I'm just saying that maybe a test or an exam that matters now, won't really matter in the future.

Sunday, May 13, 2018



RGB 230 235 206
CMYK 9 0 18 0

❝ Practice isn’t the thing you do once you’re good. It’s the thing you do that makes you good. ❞


5/13/18. I want something fun everyday. Maybe an online diary. I want a quote a day to remind myself that even through good and bad days, a simple string of words can affect my mood. That's why I'm starting this weird idea at 2:54 a.m., wondering whether to use Tumblr or Blogger. I've used Blogger for a long time, for school projects mainly. Tumblr got way too complicated for me.



RGB 95 75 139